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Fall Break Shenanigan

      My fall break felt like it did not last long enough. I spent Friday and Saturday working, and then on Sunday I went grocery shopping. The weekend part went by fairly fast with just that having to be done. Monday, my day was spent cleaning and helping my boyfriend with things he had to get done. Tuesday was by far the busiest. My boyfriend and I decided to break down a wall in our home, and we decided to expand it to make a decent sized walk-in closet. We spent the entire day doing that and then picking up his niece from school and going back to working on the closet after. We finished around 7:30 in the afternoon, and just cleaned up and watched movies the rest of the night till we fell asleep. My spring break was productive and busy, but it was all worth it in the end because I learned how to make a closet, I learned how to put walls up, I learned how to measure using different type of tools, and I learned to do something I had never pictured myself doing before. I almost forgot

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