College Week One Summary

Today will wrap up my first week of college. I have to say, college is different than what I had imagined it would be like. I made friendships with people from my high school that I have never talked to before. Aside from that, I have made friendships with new people from different places and different state's. I have enjoyed seeing how many people are coming from all sorts of places. Professor's also come from different places, rather it is from far or close, it adds more diversity to the university. I am enjoying all my classes and I have liked all of my professor's. Just from this introductory week of school, I have a positive feeling that I will have a successful academic year. I hope its stays like that and I cannot wait to learn much more from all of my professor's. I have also enjoyed walking around the campus. Walking around the campus has helped me find my way around and had helped me learn about programs I did not know about. As I walked through campus, I have realized the university is bigger than I had imagined. The first day of campus I felt entirely lost and I had no idea where I was going to go, but it is now the end of the week, and I feel confident about finding my way around, at least to get to my classes. I still have so much I know I have not seen or walked through while being here, but from what I have seem, I enjoy spending time on campus, even if it is just sitting in the cafeteria or library doing homework. I cannot wait to know my way through the entire school, and know about everything it offers to students. 
