Living Together

 Many people say living with your significant other is bad to do at a young age, but personally I think it all depends on your plans, and goals. There is not an age that you should move in with a significant other, only when you are ready for that step is when you do it. You may have people telling you not to and saying you are not ready, but they do not think the same way you do and you feel like you are ready so only you can decide. It may be hard at first, any transition is hard, but it depends on what steps you take to make it better or what steps you take to make the move go smoothly. Personally I recently moved in with my boyfriend a little over a week ago. I say it was not easy, I went from waking up with only enough time to get to class to waking up at 4:30 in the morning to make my boyfriends lunch for work. He works in construction so it is something I have to wake up and do every morning because it will save us more money than him having to buy food out every single day. It was hard waking up that early at first, but as the days went by, I began to get used to it, and I began to feel like I had longer days to be more productive. Waking up early, I found it difficult to sleep after already waking up, I began to get more things done since I had the time, and I began to feel like I had more energy throughout the day. He also had to get used to sharing a bathroom, sharing cars, and saving more money. I feel like it is not hard living with someone, its hard getting used to their ways of life and its hard adjusting to needs of someone else. When you live with someone, you both take care of each other's needs because living together is a group effort. You may not have the same things to offer to each other, but that is why you offer what is needed when you can. It is about knowing the difference between making a sacrifice and forcing your own ideas on someone. You have to sometimes sacrifice and compromise to have a healthy relationship. You are not suppose to force someone to love what you love and do things exactly the way you do things. You have to sometimes agree show them your way of doing things, and they show you theirs, that way you both get an idea of what each of you want. To support someone you do not always have to do exactly what they want all the time, you find ways to get the same results doing something that is comfortable for you both. For example, if you both work equally, but do not earn the same, you can compromise on how you will split bills and necessities in a way that will work for you both and give you both a little extra money to have on the side.


  1. It's a big step, for many of these reasons you explore and share. Best of luck with this!!


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