Random Thoughts

     You ever have trouble sleeping? You begin to think, not necessarily about one thing, but you feel like you struggle to sleep. I know sometimes I struggle...Sometimes I'm not even thinking about anything at all! It is common for many people to stay up late at night not because they cannot sleep because it helps them think better. Staying up late helps me because for many hours, the world around me is completely silenced. Me and my thoughts are alone and I have no interruptions, this helps me focus and be more open-minded about certain things I may be thinking about, or even things I that have never crossed my mind. When the whole world is silenced around me, I hear myself think, I hear my heart beat, I hear my breathing, this helps me because for a while I am not so stressed while I think. Being alone with my thoughts, helps me focus and to think more clearly to get the best results possible. I believe it is healthy to be alone with your thoughts sometimes. When you surround yourself with people all day, and all night, they may influence your thinking and actions. When you are alone, only you and your thought are there, and you begin to think for yourself, you begin to think deeper, and you begin to think on your own not with the opinions or thought of other. 

     Many people say it is dangerous to be alone with your thoughts, but it does not always have to be. Many people do not like others thinking alone or being alone with their thoughts because that's when people begin to think more clearly and make sense of things. Many people are toxic in a certain person's life, and they hate when they begin to think alone or they hate when they have opinions because they want to convince you and manipulate you into thinking what they're doing is not wrong. A lot of toxic relationships also involve significant others being together every hour of every day because when you leave them, they think you will realize they are not good for you and they begin to think that you will see their flaws. This is part reason I believe many people, even in relationships, should take time out their day, when they are alone or in a quiet place with their thoughts, so they can really think for themselves and figure out what they really want out of certain situations.
