7 Things You Probably Do Not Know About Me!

     If you think about it, we are technically all strangers to those around us, sometimes even to our friends. We go through things alone sometimes, and we try to handle things alone, leaving a whole part of us hidden from the world we are living in. If there is ever anything you feel like you are keeping bottled up and you need to let out, feel free to comment. But here are 10 things that you probably do not know about me! 😜

    First of all, I am such a family girl. I love being around family weather it's my boyfriend's family or my own. I enjoy doing activities together and I enjoy laughing and sharing with my family. Another thing you probably did not know is, despite being someone who loves to be with my family, I no longer live with my parents. I moved out with my boyfriend to our own little place and I love it there. I admit I miss my mom and dad the most, but even if I left, I still spend as much time possible with my parents. Third thing about me, I love little toddlers and babies. I enjoy watching over them and I even enjoy being able to help the little ones with homework when they begin preschool. I have grew up around many little kids, so it made me have a lot of patience and it helped me to understand how to work with them effectively. Fourth thing, I have cut my hair super short for the last 3 summers. I typically did not like short hair, but for some reason, during the summers I got the motivation to try it and every time I cut it, I'm in love with it. Fifth thing about me, I love learning new things about cars. I have learned how to change oil, change a tire, change a tail light, and even how to change brakes. Learning this things makes me feel accomplished because it's things most people typically do not expect girls to know. Sixth thing you did not know, I love being around people but I also live for my alone time. Although I love spending time with loved ones, I tend to always love being alone as well. Being alone helps me think. it helps me plan things, and it helps me schedule things I plan to do. The seventh thing about me is that I tend to never hold a grudge towards anyone. I tend to forgive people more times then they deserve and I do this because I always see the good in a person. I know deep down everyone is good, some people been through tough things and they put up their walls, but they really might just want someone who understands them. 


  1. I love this post! Being alone is great. HOW DO YOU AVOID GRUDGES? I need to work on that!


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